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Kyoshi Warriors


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Kyoshi Warriors

The Kyoshi Island Warriors are an all-female group of fighters led by Suki on Kyoshi Island.

Their fighting style and clothing mimic those of Avatar Kyoshi, although they seemingly do not implement any of the bending arts in their physical movements. Clad in ornate, armored green kimonos and-geisha like makeup, designed to intimidate opponents,have metal headdress, Kyoshi Island Warriors use metal fans as their main weapons. In "Appa's Lost Days," it was revealed they also utilize katanas and wrist shields. Holding the fans like extensions of their own arms, they aim to turn the strength of their opponents against them, a principle also studied in waterbending. The female warriors do not take kindly to training outsiders, let alone men, in these unique methods.

Although Kyoshi Island had long remained neutral in the Fire Nations war against the Earth Kingdom, after the Avatar arrived on the island the Kyoshi Island Warriors decided to assist the Earth Kingdom army in its attempts to resist the Fire Nation. In "The Serpent's Pass," it is revealed that the warriors are not on the front lines, but are serving as guards for the ferries to Ba Sing Se. They appeared again in "Appa's Lost Days" where they struggled to protect Appa from capture at the hands of Princess Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee. In "The Earth King", Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee infiltrate the city of Ba Sing Se disguised as members of the Kyoshi warriors. The episode "The Guru" reveals that the Kyoshi Warriors were defeated in their battle with Azula. The fate of the warriors is still unknown.

Metal Headdress

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Kyoshi Warriors with their fans

Their Metal Headdresses help them protect their head but in Appa's Lost Days the metal headdresses are smaller and all the warriors have chopsticks on their heads except Suki.
