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Jang Hui Village

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Jang Hui villagers

Located on the Jang Hui river, this unique Fire Nation village is made up of floating houseboats connected together. This once thriving fishing community is now struggling to survive because of the smelting factory polluting the river. Ten years ago, the Fire Nation army commandeered a plot of land and built a giant metal smelting factory on the river's edge. The factory spews its entire waste out into the river, polluting the water and destroying the village's only supply of food. These days, the local fishermen are lucky to find a few shriveled fish and some dirty clams. The shops in the center of town are mostly boarded up and closed. Without clean water, food, and medicine, many poor, sick villagers are left to suffer on the streets of this once prosperous town.

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Jang Hui clean

When the Avatar and his frerinds come to the village of Jang Hui, Katara notices that it needs help. She disgueses herself as The Painted Lady and brings food to the village. She then goes and heals the sick another night. The following night she dresses up and with the help of Aang, they destroy the factory. As they prepare to leave, they see a squad of Fire Nation troops heading towards the town on speeders, and realize that they must believe the villagers had sabotaged the factory, Katara is determined to stop them. The soldiers start attacking the village, but a gust of wind blows their flames out. With help from Appa, Toph, and Sokka providing spooky sound effects, Aang and Katara stage an encounter with the Painted Lady to defeat the troops and drive them away.

The Painted Lady

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A Painted Lady figurine

Known for her gentleness and healing abilities, the Painted Lady is a powerful and benevolent spirit who watched over the river town of Jang Hui, until a Fire Nation factory moved in ten years ago and began polluting the river. It was this event that drove the Painted Lady away, leaving the villagers to fend for themselves. As is the case with many other spirits, only spiritually enlightened people can see the Painted Lady.

Fire Nation Factory

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Fire Nation factory

Located at the shore of the Jang Hui river, this smelting plant is where the Fire Nation army makes the metals for various weapons and vehicles. The cooling system provided by the river water helps in the production of a tough, new armored metal. But as a result, the plant dumps a ton of waste into the river while large smoke stacks simultaneously contaminates the air. But to General Mung, this pollution is a small price to pay for building weapons that can help win the war.
